Sunday, December 11, 2011

The best compliment a woman can get

It sure feels good when someone gives you a compliment whether it be on something you did, something you said or the way you look.  It elevates you 10,000 feet above the ground.  You feel good about yourself, about the world around you, you feel lighter than air and you want to reach out and kiss the person that paid you that compliment.
But the best compliment a woman can get is from her child.  Every now and then my little boy tells me, 'mom, you are beautiful', as he holds my hair.  Does he melt my heart?  Oh, he melts me and my heart.
Would you like to share a special compliment you have received that was so meaningful to you that you still remember it?  Leave me a comment.

Here are some pictures of him and me when he was very little.

  Here he is less than 2 months old here.
See, he had a 'thing' for my hair even back then.  He always likes to hold my hair.
And here he is now, almost 5.

1 comment:

Crazy About Ukraine said...

Those are beautiful pictures, especially the first one! You have a very contented look in your eyes there.
I don't remember any super-special compliments I've gotten. One thing that always felt good was to hear nice words from the refugees when I worked with them, or even to hear thank you from my students now.