I had no idea how much time it goes into making a real handbag, a purse, with lining and pockets and all that. I admit I have a new developed appreciation for handbags. Depending on the complexity of it, one must cut at least 8-10 identical pieces for the front, back, and lining together. All the ironing, basting, it's all time consuming. I should have known this, because I had the similar realization when I took my sewing class two years ago and learned about all the labor that goes into making a shirt with collar and buttons and cuffs. And then there is time spent on planning, the fabrics, the color, the design, the embellishing.

I cut enough for 4 bags, but I only constructed two over my days off.

And I learned that cutting and managing a 5 yard piece of fabric can be challenging if you have to work in a limited space with no real cutting table and having to use the floor. But here you have them, the two bags I made and now contemplating on making more.
I cut enough for 4 bags, but I only constructed two over my days off.
And I learned that cutting and managing a 5 yard piece of fabric can be challenging if you have to work in a limited space with no real cutting table and having to use the floor. But here you have them, the two bags I made and now contemplating on making more.
They are gorgeous!
They are gorgeous!
Hello Vesna,
How sweet of you to visit my blog.
Your bags are lovely.
cheers, Colette
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