I got some discarded matt boards, from old photographs. And I thought I'd give it a try to make pseudo ATC. They are not the right size, I just cut them to something small but inconsistent, 3"x3", or 3.25"x3"... This birdman stamp I got recently has intrigued me, so I played with it a little bit.

Then I am trying to finish up some projects, such as these bags I was making out of old button shirts and fabric remnants.

In between all that, I hang out with my kids, or in this picture my daughter. The two of us were waiting for my son during his weekend pottery class.

And then I also had a visitor, my Bulgarian friend Lora, and her newest addition to her family, her third daughter.

And, I also got my eyes checked, and got new glasses. So here I am....a 'selfie' for you.