My son asking to lay in bed with me and hold my hair.
My daughter waking up in the morning and calling me over to love her.
My son asking me to hold his hand when we go for a walk.
My daughter telling me that we all have blue eyes because we love eachother because we are family.
My son saying: mom you are my best friend.
My daughter saying: mom I make your heart (she means melt).
My son asking me to sit in my lap.
My daughter asking me to sit next to her and watch her play a game.
My son making a lego robot for me (one that supposedly makes coffee).
My daughter picking a weed from the yard, calling it a flower and giving it to me.
My son asking if the weekend is vacation.
My daughter asking if Valen Time (Valentine) is coming closer. And then asking: 'how do you spell 'closer'.
Happiness is all of this and whatever else they keep bringing.